Connected Blockchains

To interact with universal applications from Solana, use the Solana Gateway. The Solana Gateway allows you to deposit SOL (the native gas token of Solana) to an externally-owned account (EOA) or a universal application on ZetaChain. You can also deposit SOL and call a universal application in a single transaction using the same deposit instruction.

Note: In the next version of the Solana Gateway, the deposit and deposit_and_call functionalities will be separate functions.

To deposit SOL to an EOA or a universal application on ZetaChain, use the deposit instruction of the Solana Gateway program.

pub fn deposit(ctx: Context<Deposit>, amount: u64, memo: Vec<u8>) -> Result<()>


  • amount: The amount of SOL (in lamports) to deposit.
  • memo: A vector of bytes containing the receiver's address and an optional payload.

Memo Format

  • Minimum Length: The memo must be at least 20 bytes long.
  • Maximum Length: The memo must not exceed 512 bytes.
  • Structure:
    • First 20 Bytes: Receiver's address on ZetaChain (similar to an Ethereum address).
    • Remaining Bytes (Optional): Payload to be sent to the universal application.


When you call the deposit instruction, the specified amount of SOL is transferred from your account to the Solana Gateway's Program Derived Account (PDA). The memo parameter is used to specify the receiver's address and an optional message. If the memo contains only the receiver's address (20 bytes), the SOL will be deposited to the receiver without triggering a contract call. If the memo contains additional data beyond the 20-byte address, it will initiate a cross-chain call to the universal application with the provided payload.

Example of Depositing SOL to an EOA:

let receiver_address: [u8; 20] = [/* receiver's ZetaChain address */];
let amount_in_lamports: u64 = 1_000_000; // Amount in lamports (1 SOL = 1,000,000,000 lamports)
// Memo consists of only the receiver's address
let memo = receiver_address.to_vec();

Example of Depositing SOL and Calling a Universal Application:

let receiver_address: [u8; 20] = [/* universal application's ZetaChain address */];
let amount_in_lamports: u64 = 1_000_000; // Amount in lamports
let payload: Vec<u8> = b"Hello, ZetaChain!".to_vec();
// Memo consists of the receiver's address followed by the payload
let mut memo = receiver_address.to_vec();


  • The receiver is specified in the first 20 bytes of the memo.
  • If the memo length is exactly 20 bytes (only the receiver's address), depositing SOL will not trigger a contract call.
  • If the memo length is greater than 20 bytes, depositing SOL will trigger a cross-chain call to the universal application with the provided payload.
  • After the deposit is processed, the receiver gets the ZRC-20 version of the deposited SOL (e.g., ZRC-20 SOL).
  • The memo must be at least 20 bytes (to include the receiver's address) and at most 512 bytes.

To interact with the Solana Gateway from a frontend application, you can refer to the solanaDeposit function in the ZetaChain Toolkit (opens in a new tab). This function demonstrates how to call the deposit instruction from the frontend using Anchor and the Solana Web3.js library.

High-Level Steps:

  1. Load the User's Keypair:

    Load the user's Solana keypair to sign transactions.

    const keypair = await getKeypairFromFile(args.idPath);
    const wallet = new anchor.Wallet(keypair);
  2. Set Up the Connection and Provider:

    Establish a connection to the Solana cluster and set up the Anchor provider.

    const connection = new anchor.web3.Connection(args.api);
    const provider = new anchor.AnchorProvider(connection, wallet, anchor.AnchorProvider.defaultOptions());
  3. Load the Gateway Program:

    Load the Gateway program using its IDL and program ID.

    const programId = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(Gateway_IDL.address);
    const gatewayProgram = new anchor.Program(Gateway_IDL as anchor.Idl, programId, provider);
  4. Calculate the Deposit Amount:

    Convert the amount of SOL to lamports.

    const depositAmount = new anchor.BN(anchor.web3.LAMPORTS_PER_SOL * args.amount);
  5. Prepare the Memo:

    • Recipient Address: Convert the recipient's ZetaChain address to a buffer.

      const recipientBuffer = Buffer.from(args.recipient.slice(2), "hex");
    • Message Formatting: If there are additional parameters, encode them using ABI encoding.

      const encodedParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(args.params[0], args.params[1]);
      const paramsBuffer = Buffer.from(encodedParams.slice(2), "hex");
    • Combine Recipient and Parameters:

      const memo = Buffer.concat([recipientBuffer, paramsBuffer]);
  6. Create and Send the Transaction:

    Create the deposit instruction and send the transaction.

    const depositInstruction = await gatewayProgram.methods
      .deposit(depositAmount, memo)
        pda: pdaAccount,
        signer: wallet.publicKey,
        systemProgram: anchor.web3.SystemProgram.programId,
    const tx = new anchor.web3.Transaction().add(depositInstruction);
    const txSignature = await anchor.web3.sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, tx, [keypair]);
    console.log("Transaction signature:", txSignature);

Note: The full code and implementation details can be found in the ZetaChain Toolkit repository (opens in a new tab).

Recommendation on Message Formatting

We recommend formatting the message payload using ABI encoding so that it can be easily decoded in a universal application on ZetaChain. ABI encoding ensures compatibility and standardization when transmitting data across different platforms.

Example of ABI Encoding:

const ethers = require("ethers");
// Define the parameter types and values
const paramTypes = ["uint256", "string"];
const paramValues = [12345, "Hello, ZetaChain!"];
// Encode the parameters
const encodedParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(paramTypes, paramValues);
// Convert to Buffer or Uint8Array as needed
const paramsBuffer = Buffer.from(encodedParams.slice(2), "hex"); // Remove '0x' prefix
  • Lamports and SOL: 1 SOL equals 1,000,000,000 lamports. Ensure you convert SOL amounts to lamports when specifying the amount parameter.
  • Address Format: The receiver's address is specified in the first 20 bytes of the memo, consistent with Ethereum-style addresses used on ZetaChain.
  • Program Derived Account (PDA): The PDA is a special account used by the Solana Gateway program to manage deposited funds securely.
  • Separate deposit and deposit_and_call Functions: In the next version of the Solana Gateway, the deposit and deposit_and_call functionalities will be separate functions to improve clarity and usability.
  • SPL Tokens: Support for SPL tokens (Solana's native token standard) is coming soon. This will allow you to deposit SPL tokens and interact with universal applications on ZetaChain using these tokens.
  • Calling Solana Programs from Universal Applications: In the future, universal applications on ZetaChain will be able to call Solana programs directly, enabling more complex cross-chain interactions.

The Solana Gateway program includes several error codes to handle different failure scenarios:

  • SignerIsNotAuthority: The signer is not authorized to perform the action.
  • DepositPaused: Deposits are currently paused.
  • MemoLengthTooShort: The memo payload is less than the minimum required length of 20 bytes.
  • MemoLengthExceeded: The memo payload exceeds the maximum allowed length of 512 bytes.

Ensure to handle these errors appropriately in your application.

The Solana Gateway supports transaction reversion in case of failures. If a cross-chain call fails on the ZetaChain side, the deposited SOL will be reverted back to the original sender on Solana.

The Solana Gateway provides a seamless way to interact with universal applications on ZetaChain from Solana. By using the deposit instruction, you can deposit SOL and optionally trigger cross-chain contract calls to universal applications on ZetaChain by including a payload in the memo.